Pavan Gupta

UCEN - Lobero Room
Tue, Jul 16 3:30pm - 4:15pm

There is no recording for this session. The presenters have opted to provide the slides for attendees. These can be downloaded below in the Session Files section - UCTech 2019 Planning Committee

The battle to make research computing more accessible and secure, while extremely engaging, remains complex. This talk will focus on some of the cutting edge containerized research computing implementations that UCSF has designed, attempted to expand, and used at the Center for Digital Health Innovation as we extremely actively seek to compute flexibility through Kubernetes on top of infrastructure in AWS, infrastructure on premise, and a consistent environment on researcher's personal computers. At its core, much of the work we perform is tightly secured, inherently fast moving, highly ephemeral, and is managed and built by researchers (here and afar) as a method for their primary research objectives. UCSF through collaboration with the School of Medicine Technology Services (@UCSF_Tech) team and the Center for Digital Health Innovation (@UCSFCDHI) has made forward-leaning bets around how these problems can be solved; in 2018 we described this in our UCCSC talk Accelerating Secure Medical Research in the Cloud ( and as a logical, but not prerequisite follow-on this talk will describe the next bet advancing our previous position from agile research computing in the cloud to agile research computing across all infrastructure.

Previous Knowledge
Basic AWS Knowledge, Basic Docker Knowledge

Software Installation Expectation

Session Files
PowerPoint - Rethinking Medical Research

Session Skill Level

Session Track
Supporting Research and Researchers