Sylvia Condro
Kneil Aparte
Theater & Dance Auditorium - Room 1701
Tue, Jul 16 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Do you have trouble connecting with your clients and customers? Perhaps you are challenged working with your boss or colleagues or would like to increase your confidence to advance your career. This workshop will teach you the 5 points in the Self-coaching model; a framework to classify and categorize all situations. This is a technique used to monitor personal effectiveness by uncovering a higher self-awareness. Use the self-coaching model to monitoring undesired outcomes. Participants will learn how to effectively self-coach, create an individual growth plan and gain tips to effectively set and monitor goals. Set your goals on super charge with self-coaching.
Previous Knowledge
This is a beginners workshop and participants do not need any prior knowledge in self-coaching. Conversely, those that are familiar with coaching can also gain new insights and develop goals, uncover personal obstacles and strategies to reaching those goals.
Software Installation Expectation
Session Skill Level
Session Track
Promoting Growth and Retention in IT