Barry Jones

Mosher Alumni Hall
Wed, Jul 17 1:00pm - 1:45pm

How do you build a secure cloud and infrastructure to ensure compliance and qualification for research grants?

Campuses and health centers must meet the obligations related to information security, intellectual property, records, privacy, personal information and encryption stated in research grant opportunities.

As enterprise boundaries continue to evaporate and security threats become more sophisticated, the challenges facing Higher Education security teams are increasing exponentially. Balancing user desire for a seamless experience with regulatory and compliance requirements requires walking a very fine line. How do we maintain our security posture while empowering faculty, researchers, medical staff, and students to push the boundaries of innovation?

Join World Wide Technology as we discuss the future of security and the technologies and strategies being used to address these challenges head-on. We will discuss navigating the technology landscape and the methods that can be leveraged to maintain compliance without stifling progress and innovation.

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